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Venue Specific Rules


All of these rules are in addition to the Club Byelaws and please remember of course Common Sense prevails! Noticeboards and signage at the venue must be followed. Click any of the links below to go to the relevant section of this page.


Beckerings Reservoir   North House Lake   Eaton Ford  Biddenham  Lavendon Mill  Wyboston Ouse


Grand Union Canal 

Beckerings Reservoir



RULES RELATING TO THE RESERVOIR (additional to Club Byelaws)

  • Gates must be kept closed and locked at all times.

  • Park carefully to make best use of available car park space.

  • Members must not trespass on the farmland or interfere with any farm equipment.

  • Barbless or Microbarbed hooks only - Maximum Carp Size 2.

  • Bivvies/umbrellas only – no tents - bivvies/umbrellas must be on the platforms – keep track clear. you must not set up or sit on the grass or track around the reservoir.

  • Any screws or hooks used to secure bivvies/umbrellas must be removed.

  • When water levels are low you may sit on the reservoir bed directly in front of the platforms.

  • Care should be taken when water levels are low as the banks can be slippery.

  • During periods of low water levels do not trample on, remove or thin out marginal aquatic vegetation.

  • If two members share the same platform only 3 rods to be used in that swim at any one time.

  • Pre-baiting allowed in one swim only and in moderation excessive pre-baiting and feeding can cause water quality problems especially when the water levels are low – do not disturb other anglers when pre-baiting.

  • Third rod permit upgrade allows the use of a 3rd rod between 1st September and 31st March see page 47 of membership book  or click here for details.

  • Otter fence gates must be kept closed at all times. tackle or equipment must not be leant against or hung on the fence



Please be aware that shooting takes place around the reservoir during the winter months. We will endavaour to warn members of affected dates and the game keepers will patrol prior to any shooting and advise anglers accordingly.

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North House Lake


  1. Night fishing is permitted but must be pre-booked (see page 39)

  2. Night anglers must vacate the venue by 12pm on day of departure.

  3. No vehicles allowed within the otter fence.

  4. Barbless or micro barbed hooks only - Maximum Carp Size 2.

  5. The use of bait boats for any purpose is forbidden.

  6. Members shall confine their activities to their own swim.

  7. The pedestrian gate is the only permitted point of entry - KEEP IT CLOSED AND LOCKED

  8. Keep gate closed and locked at all times.

  9. Members must not climb the gates or the boundary or otter fences.

  10. Otter fence gates must be kept closed at all times. tackle or equipment must not be leant against or hung on the fence.

  11. No excessive pre-baiting/loose feeding (to prevent algal blooms).

  12. No live baiting.

  13. Third rod permit upgrade allows the use of a 3rd rod between 1st september and 31st march see page 47 for details.


Corner swims: - the six corner swims (two in the lagoon/a1 corner and two in the lagoon/river corner plus two opposite each other at the tip end are subject to special rules. Whoever is set up in one of the two corner swims first, has access to fish the corner. Please do not set up in the other corner swim. This is to stop members from attempting to fish the same area of water, and then crossing lines



The gate is to be kept closed and always locked to ensure security against the increasing threat posed by otters. The club has invested a considerable amount of its funds erecting the otter fence. Please ensure that nothing is done to cause damage to this fence.  Regular inspections of the fence are carried out by the club’s bailiffs to ensure maximum security. Please report any signs of damage, holes under it or attempts to climb over it. Any member caught climbing the gate or fence will almost certainly be expelled from the club.


Pre-baiting of one swim, at least 50 yards away from other anglers is allowed. (please carefully consider the amount of bait you use)

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Eaton Ford


  1. Members may take their vehicles onto the Club’s property if they wish but they are advised to check the ground conditions before doing so. Parking is either alongside the skateboard rinks or any where on the grass area on the Club property . If you choose not to park inside the Club’s property, please ensure that you do not obstruct others from entering

  2. Night Fishing Permitted No Pre Booking Necessary

  3. Safe rigs must be used (no fixed leads or feeders). Rig checks may be carried out from time to time

  4. Please do not proceed beyond the car park after extremely wet weather, in extreme cases after flooding etc the car park may be locked off. In this case park on the hard standing outside the gate,

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  1. Make sure that the Club’s car park gate is locked after entry and exit.

  2. Safe rigs must be used (no fixed leads or feeders). Rig checks may be carried out from time to time.

  3. Drive slowly along the grass track to prevent damage (it is costly to repair)

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Lavendon Mill



  2. Do not cause any disturbance to the residents of the barn conversions

  3. Gates Must be closed to prevent livestock from escaping

  4. Night Fishing Permitted No Pre Booking Necessary

  5. Keep Car Park Gates Locked at all times

  6. Safe rigs must be used (no fixed leads or feeders). Rig checks may be carried out from time to time


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Wyboston River Ouse


  1. Pegs 4, 5 & 6 are dedicated swims for wheelchair users with hard standing for their vehicles nearby. Able bodied anglers may use these swims but should move away if required by a wheelchair user.

  2. Night Fishing Permitted No Pre Booking Necessary 2 Nights Maximum stay

  3. No tents. Only Umbrellas and ‘bivvies’ may be used

  4. Safe rigs must be used (no fixed leads or feeders). Rig checks may be carried out from time to time

  5. Drive very slowly along the track to avoid further scouring.


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Grand Union Canal


Safe rigs must be used (no fixed leads or feeders). Rig checks may be carried out from time to time


DON'T Cast your tackle so that it lands on the deck or against the hulls of boats moored on the offside bank, chipped paintwork can be expensive to repair and hooks snagged in mooring lines can present a safety issue to boat owners.


DON'T Allow loose feed to land on boats and DO use a pole cup whenever possible.


DO Keep Noise to a Minimum.


DO Be as discreet as possible when answering the call of nature, Your umbrella can be used as a screen.


DO Be polite to boaters if they speak to you for whatever reason, being abusive or rude gives anglers a bad name and can result in complaints against the club.


DO Check your Club book for any particular rules relating to the section you are fishing, certain areas are float fishing only.


DON'T Fish closer than 25 yards from the approach to Bridges and Locks.


DO Try to fish at least 15 metres away from moored boats that have people on board and respect their privacy.


DO Choose a location away from the outside of sharp bends as these are where deep draughted craft need to travel close to the towpath and could come into contact with your gear.


DO Remember that boaters will navigate in the centre of the canal, DON'T ask them to vary from this. If you are fishing the boat channel you do so knowing that boats may pass over your swim.


DO Withdraw your line in good time when a boat approaches and keep it well clear of the craft and anyone aboard. Pole users should ship in their poles in good time and not raise them to allow boats to pass underneath as suspended tackle could cause injury to the occupants of the craft.


DON'T Block the towpath with your tackle.


DO Look out for others when casting. Especially when using an umbrella which may restrict your view.


DO Take all of your rubbish home.


DO Remember that Boats have priority at official mooring sites and you must be prepared to move.


DO Remember that other anglers do not like to be crowded by latecomers please choose a spot at least 20 yards from other anglers unless it is mutually agreed that you may fish closer.


DO Remember that Club rules prohibit Glass Bottles or Sweetcorn and Luncheon Meat Cans being taken on to the towpath


DO Park Considerately and DO NOT cause any obstructions.


DO Show consideration to other users of the canal and towpath.


DON'T fish within 30 metres of Overhead Electrical Power Lines.


LOOK OUT! & LOOK UP! - Electricity kills!


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Eaton Ford
Wybo Ouse
© - Luton Angling Club 2024 Site Designed and Maintained by David Murdoch
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